Great potential in a little idea

Neuropsychiatric coach, instructor, supervisor and entrepreneur (Nyt Ratkes) Anne Repo had been contemplating a business idea for years. In autumn 2018 Anne heard about the business incubator, and since then things have been going ahead at a fast pace.


Cooperation drives development.

Anna Repo’s idea was received in an enthusiastic frame of mind at Business Mill. In a way, sharing good spirit has carried the idea forward. Mikko Ojapelto instantly saw that the idea had potential for the international market. This inspired the sole entrepreneur to continue with the development work. “Without the encouraging people around me, I, a sole entrepreneur, could not keep up the drive, even if I had the enthusiasm for development work”, Anne says.

Business Mill experts have helped to define the content, scope and potential of the business idea, as well as to find the most viable funding options. Now Anne Repo’s idea has evolved into a new business, FunctionApp Oy.

The idea must be presented clearly to an audience

A sole entrepreneur may find it hard to describe their own idea to a wider audience. A few years ago, Anne Repo participated in the Willi Idea (Wild Idea) competition, but she believes that her idea did not take off then because she did not know how to present the idea well enough.

Anne got help from Business Mill while preparing to present her idea to students in the Skinnarila Campus. It was an exciting thought to go there and tell about one’s own idea, as if entering the Dragons’ Den.

Anne got tips for how to reduce nervousness while deciding, together with Business Mill experts, what to talk about and when. The outcome of the finely tuned presentation was that three students got interested in the idea of developing a new application and made a demo version of it.

Pitch training was very productive as it resulted in an opportunity to work together with students for about eight weeks.

Under a lucky star

lot has happened in a short time. The idea has been refined through coaching and making the students’ demo version, applications for funding are underway, and the startup is up and running.

An employee’s idea can have revolutionary business potential

Anne wants to encourage others to take the challenge and start working on ideas the sprout from an employee’s mind. An employee or entrepreneur may not have the knowledge or determination to take the idea forward.

It is worth taking an idea to Business Mill. Even a rough idea can evolve into business surprisingly quickly, as happened to Anne Repo.

Business Mill’s services are free of charge. ”The help I was given is comparable to a consultant’s services that may cost several thousands. Now it cost me only time and a little money on petrol. I have got so much”, Anne Repo says at the end of our meeting.